Aug 20, 2013

Statham Filming Already

Another quick update: is reporting the following (Another poor translation...LOL):

"In the second day of shooting lens capture Chan Jason Statham to walk off the set topless in shorts. Probably just completed action scenes with his participation because his left cheek was smeared with soot. Photos continue to be conducted under unprecedented security measures within the plant "Bulyard." Dozens of security guards vigilantly guard the area, where caravans of stars and that of catering, from prying eyes. Guards chase anyone who dared to get close to the fence."

Chan? Is Chan really in EX3? I think the translation is so weird, so I would say no.
The seaport location is impressive! I really hope whatever problems with filming permits were taken care of. I can see some cool-ass battles taking place here!


  1. I think the guy in the picture is not Statham, maybe Im wrong but he looks like Couture.

  2. Jeff, you're a natural. Good posts man. Welcome to the EXBlog team!

  3. What pic are you referring to?

  4. OK I see the pic you are looking at. Yeah, they may be Couture...hard to tell.

  5. Jeff check your email, sent you a brand new story with a new onset picture of one f the somalian bad gus

  6. Definitely couture the build gives it away. Randy and Jason are both toned but couture's physique is bigger, plus couture has his trademark wrestling type shorts on. Lol

  7. Couture looks like he was playing volleyball.

  8. hahaha he was outside doing one of his workout runs, and bumped into some of the craft service/crew from the film lol
