Sep 21, 2023

Expend4bles Review by Elrey

The Expendables 4 held the promise of redemption for a franchise that had faltered in its previous installment. My enthusiasm was such that I implored the blog’s original founder to let me keep it alive, eagerly anticipating the fourth entry. However, he had reservations—having been disappointed by The Expendables 3, he feared an even worse fate for the series. Despite his warnings, my optimism persisted, fueled by the hope that The Expendables 4 would breathe new life into the saga.

When the film was announced, with Sylvester Stallone stepping back and Jason Statham taking the lead, alongside fresh faces, I still remained hopeful. I desperately wanted the movie to honor its roots and deliver the '80s-style action that had defined the franchise.

The Lost Essence of The Expendables

My optimism waned as I watched Expend4bles. It quickly became evident that this wasn’t an Expendables movie in spirit—it felt like a generic action film with Jason Statham in the lead. Though I was warned about Statham’s increased presence, the reality only fully sank in while watching the film. What we got was a standard Statham action vehicle, supported by a cast of B-listers, lacking both the charm of the original series and the quality of Statham’s best films.

The original concept of The Expendables was to pay homage to the golden age of action movies, bringing together icons like Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Sadly, the fourth chapter devolves into a pale imitation of a Netflix action movie, losing all the elements that once made the series enjoyable.

Uninspiring Action Sequences

The action sequences are, at best, average. Despite featuring action stars like Statham, Stallone, Dolph Lundgren, Iko Uwais, and Tony Jaa, the film fails to deliver the electrifying combat it should have. Instead, we get uninspired action scenes that squander the talents of these actors.

Scott Waugh, whose filmography was already questionable, delivers a bland adaptation of the material, making uninspired creative choices that leave much to be desired.

Wasted Potential

Expectations were high for martial artists Tony Jaa and Iko Uwais, with hopes of witnessing exceptional combat sequences. Unfortunately, their potential is completely wasted.

The fight between Statham and Uwais feels one-sided, making Uwais look like an amateur in his own domain.

"Triple Threat" did a much better job of utilizing these actors’ skills.

“High-Value Target”

Expend4bles retains elements from Cohen’s original script, in which Statham and Jaa were supposed to collaborate in a ship-based action sequence reminiscent of The Raid. While the movie flirts with the idea of a Statham/Jaa buddy film, it never fully commits.

The original script, when acquired by Millennium, seemed promising—but that promise remains unfulfilled in this adaptation.

Weak Supporting Cast

The new additions to the cast—such as Megan Fox (playing an insufferable character) and 50 Cent—feel like throwaway roles designed to support Statham. Meanwhile, Andy Garcia feels completely out of place.

The movie fails to explain or develop the new Expendables, leaving the audience to fill in the gaps. We’re expected to assume what transpired between The Expendables 3 and this sequel—without any effort to connect the dots.

Jacob Scipio’s character, supposedly inheriting the mantle from his father (Antonio Banderas’ character), is introduced in an offhand and cringeworthy manner.

The film overloads itself with unnecessary characters who add nothing to the plot.

In previous installments, the excess of cameos was justified by the presence of action legends—here, we’re stuck with B-listers instead.

Then there's Sylvester Stallone, whose minor supporting role amounts to a mere 10-15 minutes of screen time—but we already knew that.

    He has no fight scenes.
    He looks tired.
    He practically tells us he’s done with the franchise.
    His entrance at the end only worsens an already questionable storyline.

Incoherent Story

Speaking of the story, while expectations weren’t high, the film manages to disappoint even further.

    The plot is rushed.
    The characters are underdeveloped.
    Multiple rewrites appear to have left the script in a state of chaos.
    The predictable plot twists only add to the frustration.

Misplaced Ambition

A quick look at the producers’ awkward interviews on YouTube reveals their attempt to justify the film as a "fan-centric" project meant to correct the mistakes of The Expendables 3.

This ambition is misplaced.

The franchise has clearly abandoned its roots, with the focus entirely on relaunching itself with Statham at the forefront.

The only silver lining is that the door remains open for Stallone’s return—should he ever choose to reclaim the franchise.


Despite its many flaws, there are a few bright spots:

Jason Statham delivers a solid performance (though the movie itself doesn’t do him justice).

The first action sequence had potential—but the decision to turn it into a joke ruined it. Had it been handled differently, it could have added emotional weight and heightened the stakes.

Iko Uwais was a good choice for the antagonist, though he never reaches the heights of his Raid performances. He plays a weak villain, failing to leave a lasting impact.


The Expendables 4 falls short of expectations and fails to live up to its predecessors.

Die-hard Statham fans may find some enjoyment, but those hoping for a return to the franchise’s glory days will likely leave disappointed.

Is it worth a trip to the cinema? Probably not.

Will it succeed at the box office? Highly doubtful.

As for the future of the franchise, who knows? These producers always find a reason to churn out another sequel.

This marks my farewell to the series—unless a miracle unfolds in The Expendables 5.

Some of my friends will probably continue posting on this blog, but I’m done.

To those who have remained loyal throughout the years—thank you.




  1. I liked it a lot! It's not as good as the first three EXs but still a very good action film. And as a big Statham fan I have no problem with him being front and center. And as long as this blog exists I'd like to write for it.

  2. The comment was by me... Forgot my name...

  3. I'm glad you did. I tried but not for me. You should post your review on the Blog, the movie needs a positive one for those who might enjoy it.

  4. RT rating 15%!!! Even lower than EX3. 😮

    1. RT ratings are worthless.

    2. Man, RT's critics only praise what is in line with their taste and ideology.

  5. Great review. I understand you. I also loved the original concept. So much so that the second film is my favorite. I won't judge your decision to stop writing here. But wouldn't it be good to rethink abandoning the franchise? I mean, how many times have we abandoned film franchises and even games after seeing major changes in the formula and, after rethinking the changes to create something different, we return to the same franchises? I know it's not interesting to compare films with games, but, for a long time, I abandoned Metal Gear Solid because the usual formula had been completely changed in MGSV to create something totally different and innovative in the franchise. After opening my mind to the new experience created by Kojima (creator of the game), I realized that, really, changing the formula can generate something good and give new directions to a franchise. To this day I play V with extreme pleasure. Ok, Expend4bles may have flaws and not be a game made by Kojima, but what if this new formula can be improved in the future? If they notice the absence of old names and bring them back under Statham's command? I don't want to push my opinion on your mind, but I just want to suggest another path other than abandoning the franchise that entertained you so much.

  6. I appreciate your comments and your dedication to the blog. Thank you! Honestly, I'm disgusted by the producers of the franchise; they've killed a beautiful series that was created by Sly. I can't support it anymore and have zero hope that they'll make any improvement moving forward. Hey, I'm not the only writer on the blog, by the way. I'm sure the other guys will continue to write. Patrick seems to have liked the movie, and I think Al "ActionMan" will keep posting any news that might be worth it. Haven't seen the other guys post in a long time, so I don't know if they will. So, no worries :)

    1. Yes. Your posts have always been very good and it's sad that you're stopping. I've been following this blog since a few months before EX4 was recorded. Guys, your blog is great. Every day I always stop by here to see what's new and I'll always be here. Besides me, many other people follow along, so as long as you're interested in keeping the discussion about the franchise alive, we'll be here. It's the only blog that deals with this in a serious and in-depth way. Congratulations to all of you for the great work :)
