Today Jan 29, 2012, after some soul searching, long discussions with my associates and some of our fans, and after a serious consideration, I'm announcing our decision
to cease EX2 Blog's activities to protest against the proposed PG-13 rating of the Expendables 2 movie.
This was a very hard decision and we realize that in making it we will be criticized by some fans for seeming to
abandon neutrality to take a position. My hope is that when EX2 Blog stops today, people will understand that we’re doing it for the EX fans who are angry and outraged by the PG-13 decision taken by the studios who chose money & greed over the very fan base that made
the first movie so successful.
True EX fans will trust EX2 Blog's decision because they know that despite our faults, our heart is in the right place. We never aimed to monetize
on our efforts or make fans believe some particular thing, we just wanted to be helpful and share our passion of the Expendables 2 movie with them.

Over the course of the past few days we have witnessed the outrage and anger of fans across forums and fan sites who have joined together to discuss proposed actions that the EX fan community could take against the PG-13 rating to force the studios to change it. This is by far the largest level of participation in a fan community discussion ever seen since the beginning of the EX franchise, which illustrates the level of concern that fans feel about the future of the EX franchise.
The overwhelming majority of fans support action in response to the PG-13 rating of EX2 in the hope of convincing studios to change the rating of the movie to R before August 17, 2012. We have decided to join those fans and take action.
EX2 Blog will only resume its activities if studios decide to listen to fans and change the EX2 rating to R, we will not support and report any longer on an EX2 PG-13, this is not the principle on which this blog was founded. EX2 Blog was conceived to support an EX2 rated R.
For those fans who would like to join the movement we encourage you to post comments on Expendables Premiere to protest against EX2 rated PG-13, a special page has been allocated by Patrick the webmaster to support this action and can be found by clicking here.
We also encourage you to continue to post your protest on different fan sites and forums, this blog will also stay open for those who wish to post comments on it and continue to read its older articles.
On January 29, we hope you’ll agree with us, and will do what you can to make your own voice heard. It's been a rewarding journey for us and we thank you for your support. We hope to be back soon to report again on EX2 rated R.