Sep 30, 2013

How Gibson Got In Shape

After that earlier USA article about Gibson, comes a more detailed one about his workouts. It says:

When Mel Gibson was spotted walking out of a Malibu gym last month showing some serious pipes, the internet went nuts.

Many were impressed that the 57-year-old actor/director could get that fit. Others speculated that Gibson needed steroid help to get into shape at his age.

Gibson insisted in a USA TODAY interview that the results are all natural.

"That's just hard work, dude," Gibson said, before laughing off the steroid claim. "Have you seen the side-effects of some of that crap? Forget it, that's too scary."

"Some people say, 'It's inconceivable, how can he do that?' Well I have always had that body type to do that," Gibson added.

Gibson said he had been working out extensively for three months prior to being captured by the photographer. He works with a personal trainer three times a week for three-hour sessions working every muscle group. This along with careful diet and natural supplements has given him the look, he said.

He has also cut out foods like pasta, sugar and potatoes and replaced them with items like green vegetables and fish. "It's kind of boring," he said.

The gym work is the most extensive he has ever done.

"I have never worked out three times a week in my entire life," he said. "It's kind of getting rid of the middle-aged tire and sort of promoting circulation, aerobic exercise and blood flow circulation, stuff like that. I have been working really hard at it."

Gibson said the workouts, featuring light weights and cardio, are not overly painful ("I'm used to it now. It's not sore at all"). And they have helped him feel better.
"It's actually helped. My lower back feels better. All of that stuff," said Gibson who insisted he hasn't bulked up or lost weight.

"My weight has stayed exactly the same, except my pants fit," he said.

All of this will come in handy playing villain Conrad Stonebanks in The Expendables 3, now shooting in Bulgaria. Gibson said he won't he be ripping his shirt off in the movie and that he's not in co-star Sylvester Stallone's body universe.

"He's got it down to a real science. I don't think I am in that league," said Gibson. "I just want Sly to look good. And he's not going to look good if he's beating up a fat old man."

Wesley Snipes!

Looks like Snipes caused a scene, according to this article.


Hollywood star Wesley Snipes was the attraction in the capital chalgoteka Night Flight over the weekend. Snipes, who was in Sofia for the filming of "Expendables 3" appeared unexpectedly and was immediately attacked by a group of girls who wanted to be photographed with him or get his autograph. Although poopipa one another and twisted chick Snipes remained faithful to the companies with which he had come. Congratulations to him flew one after another, and he showed he was very good at dancing, not even belly. Wesley Snipes is another star who chooses folk club for late-night parties. He was in Bulgaria with his colleague Sylvester Stallone, who directed the band and Jason Statham. The "Expendables 3" starred Arnold Shartseneger, Mickey Rourke, Jet Li and Dolph Lundgren.

Gunnar Jensen Speaks!

2 More Sly Pics

Sly Adresses His Social Media Vent About Bruce Willis

Early august, just weeks before Expendables 3 started filming, Stallone took his frustration about Willis' money demands to twitter. While not addressing Willis by name, it was pretty clear who the lines "greedy and lazy" referred to. Especially only 5 minutes after announcing Willis was out.

This could not have come at a more unfortunate time for Willis, who was advertising his movie RED 2, or at least was told to do so. Willis displayed a behaviour during interviews, that made him apologise several times afterwards. Among saying he doesn't care for action movies and he only does them, because they pay good, all the bad press he created for himself and even a famous and good friend openly criticising him didn't paint him in a good light.

Now Sly admits a socialmedia misstep by being so vocal to Empire Magazine:

"This is just a matter of economics. 

Bruce has been a lifelong friend. I still consider him a friend, at least on my side. This is something that came out of frustration, but it also turned out okay.

Perhaps I shouldn't have been so vocal with it." 

It's not clear if they had a chance to talk about it(Sly being busy in bulgaria might have prevented it so far), but Sly doesn't seem to hold a grudge.
We hope Willis reconsiders his attitude too, after the media-beating he took last month.

Source Yahoo Movies

Mel Talks EX3

In this USA Today article, Mel Gibson talks about getting in shape for EX3.

For Conrad Stonebanks in The Expendables 3 (due out next summer), Gibson has even sculpted himself into shape, working with a trainer and modifying his diet over three months before trying to annihilate Sylvester Stallone and his crew.

"I just want Sly to look good. And he's not going to look good if he's beating up a fat old man," says Gibson. "I have been working really hard at it. A lot of cardio and very light weight training, nothing heavy."

Gibson looks so cut that after he was photographed leaving a Malibu gym, online pundits insisted he couldn't have achieved the look without steroids.

"That's just hard work, dude," Gibson insists. When asked about steroids he laughs: "Have you seen the side-effects of some of that crap? Forget it, that's too scary."

Glad to finally hear something from Gibson about EX3. We have seen the pictures of him going to the gym, but nothing else. He is expected to be in Bulgaria this week.

Sep 29, 2013

Bridge action sequence, a question for the fans and Mel Gibson!

Yesterday filming began on what is sure to be one of the BIG action highlights in THE EXPENDABLES 3 - an EPIC Bridge action sequence. I am sure behind-the-scenes pictures will soon surface so stay tuned...

Now, we all know that the last FAST & FURIOUS movie ended on a cliffhanger so to speak revealing Jason Statham as the bad guy going into the next film. We also know that Kurt Russell is going to show up in the last half of this summers FAST 7 movie going into the 8th film. The question for EXPENDABLES fans is would you like to see similar things done going forward and starting with EX3?

The rumors of Jackie Chan still continue to this day. Would you guys like to see Chan somehow show up in the last half of EX3 to lend his assistance setting up his character to have an even bigger role in EX4? The same for Mickey Rourke's Tool character. Rumor is he is back in a small cameo. Should Tool come back for more? Taking a page out of the FAST & FURIOUS manual going forward might not be such a bad thing...

Finally, Mel Gibson will land in Bulgaria mid-week to begin production on what will be his big comeback movie. Stay tuned for pics and videos soon...

Sep 27, 2013

Dolph Lundgren On EX3

On his website, Dolph Lundgren just posted this...

"Just finished five weeks of grueling work on Expendables 3. Guns, knives, boats, planes, tanks, jeeps, explosions, choppers, fights, shootouts, you name it - major mayhem! This one will definitely be the best so far. Take Gunnar's word for it.
Back on the set next week for another go - -- stay tuned, Soldiers!"

Sep 26, 2013

Crews Has A Few Quick Words About EX3

Hey EX3 fans!

Terry Crews has been promoting his new movie, Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2. In the following interview, about 3:30 in, he mentions EX3 and working with Wesley Snipes. Listen to Andy Samberg asking him if Snipes says, "Always bet on black!"

Sep 23, 2013

Hemus Highway Bridge Set Pics

Hey EX3 fans! We have 2 pics from the production near the bridge at Hemus Highway. Nothing special, but you can see the massive amount of crew involved.....

Sep 22, 2013

Rousey on JJ

Rousey: "JJ the stunt coordinating genius running me through some gun maneuvers on set of #expendables3 (and no that is not my wardrobe for the movie just stunt practice lol)"

Sep 21, 2013

EX3 Hemus Highway Details

To add on Andrew's post, the article states:

Sylvester Stallone and his invincible company will block the "Hemus" highway on Saturday. Live action movie will be able to watch the passing in between viaduct "Bebresh" and tunnel "Hot Dol" from 8 to 19 pm today. Familiar with the script warn motorists to pass with caution because pukotevitsite and stunts. Filming of the third series of "The Expendables" will pull traffic and it will be two-way only in the left lane on the bridge and on the left tunnel tube, according to "Standard".

From the 27th to the 32nd kilometer cars will go to New York just in overtaking lane and towards Sofia - in emergency and active. In 5300 lev is relieved by "Nu Boyana Films" for the rent of the five-kilometer stretch of highway

SPECTACULAR bridge action sequence waiting to be filmed soon!

According to this Bulgarian article there is one hell of an action scene that is going to be filmed soon!

If any of you have seen TRUE LIES or MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 3 then you know what a KICK ASS bridge action sequence looks like!

Let us hope that the MOTHER OF ALL ACTION MOVIES, which is THE EXPENDABLES 3, goes all out and then some. The 7th FAST AND FURIOUS movie comes out next summer and there can only be one true macho fest that stands supreme that hot weathered season!

More EX3 Updates

Hey EX3 Fans! A few more things today. First we have an EX3 news report, talking about the cast and Crews talking a bit about it. Funny how he is asked about working with Gibson, but we all know Gibson hasn't filmed a single frame yet and Crews has finished his filming.

The Expendables 3 Adds Kelsey Grammer & Terry... by GaMeFORGaMeRz-BACKUP

Looks like Dolph is done filming EX3, at least for now. His Whosay page says "The Swedish big fist, on his way back to Cape Town for more work on SAF3"

And a few more various set pics that I am late in posting.

Lastly, check out Arnold, as he was back at Muscle Beach, in Venice, CA. Look at his arms! Impressive.....

Statham & Banderas

Sep 19, 2013

Random EX3 Stuff

Looks like there was a press day on the EX set. Some photos were Tweeted today.

Also, according to this article, Jackie Chan is still making an appearance in EX3.....hmmmmmm.


Sep 18, 2013

A Couple More Pics

Hey EX3 fans! A few more pics for you today. The first is from Leo Camplone's Facebook page.

"Action ramp scene from #Expendables3! This amazing and extremely dangerous!!"

Hard to judge the size of this ramp, as it is just from a playback monitor, but it looks insane.

And we have this, from Kellan Lutz....

New Dolph/Statham Set Pic

Fresh Set Pics.....

Check these out.....

Sep 17, 2013

Kelsey Grammer In EX3 Apparently......

In what has to be the worst news ever, Deadline Hollywood is reporting Kelsey Grammer has joined the Expendables 3 cast. Article states:

"Remember when Nicolas Cage was supposed to join the ensemble of action stars of Millennium Films’ The Expendables 3? Well, guess what, that role is going to Kelsey Grammer. Grammer is near a deal to play the role of Bonaparte, an ex-mercenary who helps the Expendables in their mission. While Grammer was long identified for playing the mild-mannered shrink-turned-radio host Dr. Frasier Crane, he has transformed into a Hollywood tough guy. Most of that came from him playing a ferocious powerbroker in the recently canceled Starz series Boss. Michael Bay was a fan of that show, which led to Grammer being cast as the villain in Transformers: Age Of Extinction."

Wow. This must be an April Fools Days joke. Who's next? Norm and Sam Malone, right from the Cheers set? This is unbelievable.......

EX3 Tank On Set

A Few More Pics

Hey EX3 fans! Not much new to share today, but a few more cast photos with the motorcycles. Nothing exciting, but it is something....

The Arnold Fans mentions 'R' piece and EX4 suggestions piece!

TheArnoldFans has just reported on two of my Blog write-ups.

1) My 'R' rating piece.
2) My EX 4 suggestions piece.

Thanks to Randy Jennings!


We don't have much Expendables 3 news except we hear Arnold is now finished in Bulgaria but there is a chance he might be back for additional filming later on (perhaps filming in Los Angeles). But if you are jonesing for some Expendables talk, ABking wrote two pieces. Their first article HERE talks about the 'R' rating we all wish for and the second article HERE is about the possibilities of another Expendables movie beyond the third film. If there is a 4th movie, ABking has some filmmaker and casting suggestions. 

Sep 13, 2013

Barney Ross.....

Stallone getting LARGE 15 million dollar salary for THE EXPENDABLES 3!

According to THR Stallone will collect another large salary for one of these EXPENDABLES sequels. He got paid 15 million for EX2 and will again get 15 million for EX3. Sly has always been a smart businessman.
Stallone has broken paycheck records in the past during the 1980's and he did it many more times in the 1990's as well. He and Arnold Schwarzenegger paved the way for these large star salaries we see today.
THE EXPENDABLES films have made close to 600 million dollars in WORLDWIDE box-office revenues alone. Sly deserves ever penny of that 15 million.
I wish we knew the breakdown for the other megastars of EX3.

Sep 12, 2013

Robert 'DIE HARD' Davi will keep fans updated!

MikeFrenchy of StalloneZone and TheArnoldFans reached out to actor Robert Davi who will next be seen in EX3. Fans know Davi from Die Hard or The Goonies or Raw Deal. This is what MikeFrenchy had to say:
"Well, I just spoke on the phone with Robert Davi, he is going to film in October. He said there will be LOTS of surprises. I asked if I could come on the set for interviews and he said he will ask for me. He was super cool."
I like the part about "LOTS of surprises". MikeFrenchy has a good chance of possibly being on the EX3 set in Bulgaria. How awesome!!! He will keep us posted and we will keep the fans posted. Stay tuned...
Here is a fun fan-made teaser trailer for THE EXPENDABLES 3. Thanks to 'Gufte' who can also be found at StalloneZone :

Hang On, Barney!

More Helicopter Photos

Cool Interview With EX3 Custom Motorcycle Maker

Check out this YouTube video with Tarhan Telli, the guy who customized all the cool motorcycles for EX3. He is also the one who has posted so many cool set photos on his Facebook page. Thanks so much to Legend Norris.

Mad Mel and his new 'action hero' body!

As we count down the days/weeks until Mel Gibson lands in Bulgaria to terrorize the expendables here is a small piece that was written a few days ago about Mel bulking up.
In 2010 he spoke with Collider's Steve Weintraub about his return to the screen in The Edge Of Darkness and said: "I don't work out much. I try and eat right and exercise a little."

Clearly Mel has changed his mind in 2013...could it possibly be because he will be working alongside the likes of Sly and Arnold.

The 57-year-old has been looking noticeably buff over the past few weeks, regularly snapped at gym's across LA as he does his best to keep up with his Expendables 3 co-stars Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone.

Read the full article and see "Buff" Mel Here. Mr. Gibson will next be seen in MACHETE KILLS in October.

Sep 11, 2013

New Set Pics Plus Dolph On Facebook

Hey EX3 fans!

We have a few new EX3 set pics for you . The first is a really cool one with Sly, Couture and Lundgren (plus his fiancé) in a helicopter. Looks like a blue-screen behind it.

And these 2 of Statham....

Lastly, we have Dolph answering a fan question about Gunnar on his Facebook page...

Sep 10, 2013

Banderas EX3 Interview

Antonio Banderas speaks a little about his role in EX3...

Best Sly Pic Yet....

Hey EX3 fans!
Check out this pic of Sly...incredible....

Looks like Stallone had a day off recently and chose to check out "Riddick" and "We're the Millers"
Translation is :

"Stallone fills his spare time in Bulgaria with a striptease.

The actor was a fan of hot Jennifer Aniston.

Striptease with Jennifer Aniston fill free time Sylvester Stallone in the country. The actor, who starred in the study of "Nu Boyana Films' third installment of" The Expendables "ruffled some feathers among the visitors of metropolitan theater, having appeared in 15 people entourage, including several guards.

Star of "Rocky" chose to watch fiction feature "Riddick" with Vin Diesel, but shortly after the screening out and asked in what room radiates hit comedy "The Millers" story "Monitor."
Just last week, he again visited the hall of popular metropolitan theater to laugh the same story. It Jennifer Aniston is clumsy stripper with vulgar vocabulary, two children with severe puberty and drug dealer husband.

Over the weekend Stallone have brought with you and the whole constellation of "Expendables Been reserved for them one of the most luxurious rooms in the cinema. Subsequently, however, the action titanium came with another company, most of them were guards, witnesses told.

In addition to his works of director and actor Stallone is preparing for an exhibition in Russia. On October 27, he will present their works in the spirit of Expressionism in St. Petersburg. ръка звездата With brush in hand star is manifested more than 30 years, and his first exhibition was two years ago in Switzerland."

Lastly, check out what Rourke looks like right now. This report still claims he is in EX3, but I find it unlikely at this point.

Thanks to Mike...