Crews tweeted the following messages: "I feel your pain about the EX2 PG-13. But do you really think we've all
gone soft as baby thighs? No sirs. You will love it. Trust ya boy." & "I kill more baddies in the first 3 min of EX2 than I did the whole last
movie. Don't let the smooth taste fool you. This suckers got kick." Hopefully these messages reduce some of the pain fans have gone through over the past couple of days.
Van Damme also thanked Stallone on his Facebook page after the latter confirmed the PG-13 rumor: "What can I say about Mr. Stallone? He is a great actor/director and a true fighter but also a great and amazing person!
Going back to HK, new pictures of Stallone taken on Jan 18 showing him in CA without his mustache have shown up. This leads us to believe that either Stallone did not go to HK or his stay was very, very short. Filming started on Jan 16 only, if he made it back to CA by Jan 18 then he only spent a day or at best two over there. Another indication that he might not have gone to HK at all was the picture that was taken of him by Carpenter on his private jet where he didn't have his mustache. That picture was taken right after they finished shooting in New Orleans. So he obviously did not grow his mustache back in between NO & HK which is a necessary feature of his character in EX2, maybe he used a fake one while he was in HK. Where I'm going with all this, the HK scenes may not have a lot of Stallone/Li interaction but again nowadays everything is possible in post-production, so maybe not a big deal.

No news or pictures released over the past couple of days from set in HK. Crews posted a new video of himself yesterday from HK that can be seen here.
The opening scene sounds good