Jun 12, 2023

Why Arnold is not in EX4

“It’s done and I’m not in it,” Arnold told Parade. He explains that he told Sly in advance of the production that he was bowing out. “I said, ‘You know what, we have done this and I’m out of it.’ And he really understood.”

Arnold, deep in his second (and final) term as the governor of California, took an uncredited cameo as Trench Mauser in the 1st Expendables. “I did it as a favour to Sly,” he explains. “I shot it on a Saturday for two hours quickly in a church with Bruce Willis.”

After resuming his acting career out of office, he agreed to reprise the character in 2012’s The Expendables 2 and 2014’s The Expendables 3. “Sly said, ‘Oh, can you do Expendables 2?’ and I did that for a weekend,” Arnold recalls. “Then it was expanded for Expendables 3. And that was it.”

Still, he and Stallone do plan on flexing their muscles once more on the big screen: “We’re going to do something together one day.”

Jun 8, 2023

After viewing the trailer...

Now that the trailer has finally arrived, how does it affect predictions on the story and its characters?

Most noticeable was the lack of Stallone in the action. From behind the scenes photos and videos, we know he is involved in an early mission, as well as an altercation in a bar that is full of bikers. Many fans have speculated that Sly’s character Barney Ross will be killed off in this forth film of the franchise, but looking closely at the trailer, there is one quick clip that could be proof that he survives.

All three previous Expendables movies have had the team gathered at the very end, celebrating together, enjoying themselves over a few drinks. There is a scene in the trailer that shows Sly with the rest of the team (interestingly, and thankfully, minus Megan Fox). Yes, this clip could be from any point in the movie, that much is obvious. However, Sly is wearing different clothes from every other photo and video clip we have seen until now, and the fact the group are celebrating could potentially be taken from a successful finale. Or not.

The trailer shows much of the action taking place on a huge ship, which had been reported on from the very start of production. The photos and videos we have seen to date, now added with the footage in the trailer, appear to indicate that Statham will be battling Uwais in the final fight; and we don’t need to be rocket scientists to know that Statham will obviously be victorious.

The trailer doesn’t give much else away, but it does show that the new additions to the team involved in the thick of the action – hopefully proving superior than the mediocre and talentless additions we had to endure in Expendables 3.

Push come to shove, I predict the following: The Expendables go on a mission. Bad things happen. They regroup. They go to battle and win. Once again, no Expendable member dies. They celebrate in a bar. The end. Great success.