Aug 19, 2014

The Fall of a Franchise

I had to come out of retirement for one last post to review EX3, armed not with optimism, but with a burning necessity to voice my disappointment. Not that it matters anymore, but alas, EX3 strays far from its predecessors in such a disastrous fashion that I feel compelled to purge my frustration through words.

Where do I begin this lamentable tale? EX3 is such a convoluted cinematic travesty that writing a concise review feels like a daunting task. Nevertheless, let’s dissect this catastrophe.

Sylvester Stallone—a name that once resonated as the embodiment of action heroism—now stands shadowed by accusations of selling out, an ego-driven caricature of his former self. Outside his die-hard fans at the StalloneZone, true enthusiasts of gritty '80s action films are left grappling with a sense of betrayal. Their unconditional support for the Expendables franchise, which offered a lifeline to their aging icon, was met with the heart-wrenching realization that he had forsaken them in favor of appealing to the new generation. What debt he owed to this new generation remains an enigma...

However, it would be naive to lay all of EX3's faults solely at Stallone’s feet. The decision-making strings in this production were pulled by various hands, with the greedy Lerner family and the looming studio executives playing significant roles. The big studios must answer to shareholders, and they wouldn’t allow Stallone to dictate their entire fortune. Yet, it must be acknowledged that Stallone’s influence and his ability to steer the ship were compromised by his frantic desire to remain relevant to the new generation in the 21st century.

And I say this based on a pattern that is hard to ignore—a cycle echoing throughout the legend’s career. Ego-driven decisions and complacency have repeatedly blinded him at the summit of his success. The fame gained after Rocky and Rambo, the revival following Cliffhanger and Demolition Man—all were marred by the same affliction. And now, history cruelly repeats itself after he established the Expendables franchise.

Although Sly is known for rising from the ashes, he might be too old for another comeback. I hope this EX3 debacle will bring him back to his senses, guiding his final Rambo project—if it ever gets made—toward embodying the values that placed him among the pantheon of action legends. EX4 would be unnecessary if he is not allowed—or able—to return it to its essence and what it was always meant to be.

PG-13: A Bitter Betrayal

That rating—now a curse on the tongues of hardcore fans. The attempt to blame piracy as a convenient alibi for the movie's poor performance at the box office cannot shield EX3 from its fallout. Yes, the illicit leak may have affected the box office—researchers estimate about a 20% drop, meaning an opening of approximately $20 million. But even then, this would still be a mediocre result, considering the high expectations, expenses, and the pedigree of the cast.

The true culprits? Franchise fatigue, terrible quality, bad reviews, and—most importantly—alienation of the true fans. Unfortunately, history repeats itself, and studios either don’t learn or simply don’t care. Lionsgate’s strategy to capitalize on Fast & Furious’ summer absence faltered, and Stallone and Lerner’s bid to broaden their audience for personal ego and financial gains was a miscalculated plunge.

Whatever the reason behind the PG decision, the verdict is unanimous: the movie paid for it, both in marketing and in quality. Let’s pray that if EX4 ever graces our screens, its architects will learn from this debacle. Yet, it would be naive to expect history to change course as long as the same people remain in charge.

The Film Itself: A Disgrace

A package of poor editing, average CGI, lackluster acting, and a story worthy of the garbage bin.

Li and Schwarzenegger reduced to mere shadows of their former selves—an affront of the highest order, deserving a trial at The Hague of Cinema.

Banderas turned into a walking caricature—a cruel joke.

The veteran Expendables marginalized and overshadowed.

Arnold’s contentment in participating in this travesty is baffling.

The Sly/Mel fight? A disgrace, worse than Sly vs. JCVD in EX2.

A cascade of cinematic disasters. WTF?

The New Blood: A Laughable Charade

I’m speechless. What was this mockery?
Lutz might be the worst actor I’ve seen in years—zero presence, zero charisma. And they let him disrespect our icons like this? At least in EX2, one could develop some sympathy for Hemsworth—he was respectful toward the older Expendables and died quickly to make room for the real heroes.

Rousey was passable thanks to her fighting skills. She had some decent action sequences, but she should remain mute.

The boxer boy? Spare me the indignity—what was that?

If forced to pick one, I’d go with the hacker guy—he was at least tolerable.

This was Stallone’s biggest mistake of his entire career—writing these ill-conceived characters and then casting a bunch of useless wannabes to play them.

Sly, if you’re reading this—along with the millions of posts, tweets, and articles across the internet—open your eyes and let go of your ego.

You need to stay relevant to the fans who made you, not to kids ignorant of your legacy. If, by some miracle, you get the chance to make EX4, here’s what you need to do:

Exterminate the new blood blasphemy in the opening act or design a story that erases them altogether.

Bring in Jackie Chan and give him a proper role.

Make it a hard-R, like you did with Rambo 4.

Hire a few real villains, lobby for the money, and give it to The Rock—he’s willing to play ball.

Do the Right Thing.

A Franchise Falls

Our beloved franchise collapses—a symphony of hardcore '80s action devolving into a discordant mess. Witnessed by Generation X, this is the epitaph of an era.

Overall Rating: 1/5

May 18, 2014

EX3 Is PG-13, Moving on to EX4...

Stallone officially announced it in Cannes: EX3 is PG-13. I'm skipping this one and already preparing for EX4 hoping that EX3 bombs and they learn their lesson to make EX4 "R". These movies are only supported by hardcore fans, I was hoping that by now it was well understood by the greedy producers...

Jan 11, 2014

Statham might finally take a knocking in EX3

During a 90-minute question and answer session with Jonathan Ross at the London Palladium, Stallone also talked a little bit about Expendables 3: he revealed in the third film Jason Statham might finally take a knocking.

"You may see history made in the next Expendables," he said.

"I actually believe there's a bloody nose on the horizon.

"We have a great rapport together.

"You know he doesn't do that very often, he's very straight [in his films], but when he smiles, when he jokes around, he's good."

Big crowds turn out to see Sylvester Stallone in London for a Q&A session with fans AND Jonathan Ross

More Indication that Sly Might Quit Action

Back in November 2013 Stallone hinted at eventually retiring from Action Movies and the EX franchise (article here) which raised a lot of questions in the fans minds. Yesterday again he told U.K. talk show host Graham Norton, "I'm trying to avoid going to the gym. I ended up doing a lot of action films and you have to be in shape. I swear I was in the gym so often that if I'd had another daughter I would have called her Barbella! I figure at a certain age you get clogged arteries and you drop dead happy."

I'm starting to think he's really serious about quitting the action genre and that his participation in EX4 might be compromised. I for one won't be interested in an EX4 without Stallone...

Jan 7, 2014

EX3 Shot with RED Cameras

To those who do not know this, EX3 was shot with the RED cameras, under DP Peter Menzies Jr. Films such as Transformers 4, The Hobbit, Elysium and The Amazing Spiderman have all been shot using RED.

According to

Since its arrival, the RED ONE has established a pedigree of Oscar winning films, 3D features, and even magazine covers that have solidified its reputation as a reliable workhorse. Introduced as the purest digital alternative to 35mm film, the RED ONE has shot some of the most influential films of our time - from “Che” to “The Social Network”. Its ability to sustain brilliant 4K images in even the toughest environments has contributed to its enduring success as one of the greatest digital cinema cameras of all time."

The RED website has this on their page....interesting they use an EX2 promo shot.......

This site is a forum for RED users. A few interesting posts about EX3 I spotted.

Jarred Land posted "Teaser Trailer. Love the franchise or not.. from the footage I have seen from the show it looks incredible. Peter Menzies Jr. did one hell of a job. The first 2 Expendables were shot on Film and we are very proud that Peter chose RED for the 3rd.

Peter Mosiman posted "I gaffed a pickup shot where we shot Terry Crews doing his bit. Cool to see them all put together in a finished product.
(referring to the teaser it confirms they were all or mostly shot separately)

This is very cool. EX3 should be the best looking of the 3. Peter Menzies Jr. is a great DP, having shot such films as Die Hard: With a Vengeance, Shooter and The Incredible Hulk. The RED cameras are really gonna make EX3 look epic onscreen.


EPIC Sly/Arnold Pic!

Jan 5, 2014

Lutz: The Expendables 3 "WILL BE THE BEST ONE"

In a recent interview Lutz talked about his experience filming The Expendables 3, below is a summary of his interview - you can also read Statham's interview posted here today.
Did you shoot The Legend of Hercules and The Expendables 3 in any of the same locations?

LUTZ: Yeah, it was the same studio. For The Expendables, we also just used old buildings that never were finished, as our blown-out bunkers.

How was that experience? What was it like to go from being the lead of one action movie to working with some real action icons?

LUTZ: It was another dream come true. They were my heroes, growing up. You have Arnold [Schwarzenegger], Sly [Stallone], Wesley Snipes, Antonio Banderas, Harrison Ford, Mel Gibson, Jason Statham, Dolph Lundgren. We’re all in one helicopter, yelling for Sly to come at us. I was just like, “When will I ever have this opportunity again?!” It really was a dream.

Who are you playing in it?

LUTZ: I play the leader of the young Expendables. Sly comes and recruits me, and I recruit our team. The older guys are just broken and old and busted, so he comes to the younger, more tactical guys to handle the next mission. So, I got to work with Sly quite a bit. 

Did you have any scenes with Arnold Schwarzenegger or Harrison Ford?

LUTZ: Yeah. I had scenes with Arnold, Harrison, Mel, Kelsey Grammer and Antonio Banderas. I had scenes with them all. It was quite amazing.

When you work with people like that, is it more nerve-wracking and intimidating, or is it more exciting and bad-ass?

LUTZ: I’m just excited, and I think it’s bad-ass. I don’t really get starstruck. I just get so excited because these are guys I’ve always wanted to work with. I would pretend I was Rambo or Rocky. But for them, it’s always so awkward. You’re an actor with them, and you want a picture with them, but you don’t want to come off like you want a picture with them. But I still asked, and they would take pictures with me. I want to remember those moments. And they give you a lot of good advice. Sly would be like, “Don’t break eye contact. Keep it here. Don’t be discouraged or deflated.” He’d also let us rip, quite a bit. He’d let us improve, and just follow along. He’d say something and we’d be like, “What?!” It was an experience.

How do you think this film will compare to the first two?

LUTZ: I think it will be the best one. The script has so much depth and story to it. It’s a solid script, and then you add all these new faces to it. I can’t wait!

Source: Collider

Statham: Chopper Scene with Ford, Arnold, Li & Banderas, Hallucinating

In an exclusive interview with the French movie outlet Premiere, Statham talked about The Expendables 3:

P: You must have also lived quite hallucinating moments in Expendables 3 ...

JS: There is one [moment] in particular that will be marked in my memory: I was there in that chopper piloted by Harrison Ford, surrounded by Jet Li, Antonio Banderas, Arnold Schwarzenegger with his cigar in his mouth, Dolph Lundgren ... I felt like going down to take a picture, it was just amazing. The director, Patrick Hughes, could not believe it himself. He turned to the team and asked every two seconds: "I'm dreaming, or what I'm seeing is actually happening?"

P: You think there was enough testosterone in that chopper?

JS: I still can't believe he managed to take off! (Laughter.)

If you read French here's the entire interview, you can also use Google translator...

Sly: Arnie, Bruce & I ... too many egos in the room!

In a recent interview with Express UK, Stallone revealed that "People think Arnie and Bruce and me hang out all the time but because of our work projects we may not talk together for a year".

"Then, all of a sudden, we get together and when we do we realize there is a reason we don't get together; too many egos in the room! So we say: 'See you in a year, have to go regroup."

Interesting interview, you can read the rest here.

Seagal as Governor or EX4 baddie???

It seems Steven Seagal wants to follow in Schwarzenegger's footsteps and have the title as governor under his belt. Here is the news report:

Ok, so he is ambitious! In my humble opinion Seagal should do the following: Agree to star in The Expendables 4 as a bad guy; get the exposure he needs with a mainstream blockbuster film and run for governor if he so pleases. 

Arnold did the same thing with a big sequel when he ran for governor after T3 was a massive success.

Seagal really is one of the only few legendary action stars missing from the EXPENDABLES franchise and I personally think EX4 will be the last one in the series. Steven should play a henchman role like Stone Cold did in the first film and he should be working with or for none other than Al Pacino!!!

Imagine how amazing it would be to see Al and Steven as the main bad guys in the next chapter of the Expendables films. Add Jackie Chan as a new expendable (a sacrifice must be made so killing Jet Li in the next film is a must; it would be powerful) and the next film will be...the best one of all to end the series on a high!

Come on Steven and Jackie...join the fold! The fans want and demand it!!!